Blast From The Past – St George 2022 Remembered

St G 2022 2 edited 2With Plough Play 2023 imminent, a cursory inspection of the website reveals that lazy Beelzy has once again neglected to provide a report on how things went with our last St George’s Play campaign.

Let the record show that we did a tour back in April 2022, though for reasons we can’t explain (too much cider, you imbecile – Ed.) the finer detail appears to have escaped us.

However! The known facts are these. We played at six venues across the weekend. This included a prestigious appearance at Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre by invitation of the Sheriff of Nottingham himself (no really, we mean it!) and two shows at the Woodlark in Lambley to the bemusement of unsuspecting patrons both inside and outside the pub.

It also seems clear that our Phil turned up in a kilt again to perform his role as Slasher (facing off in the photo below against our Jon as St George) and was almost certainly wearing undercrackers based on other photos we’ve seen where things got a bit windier.

St G 2022 1 edited 2

As ever, the dripping pan was passed around for charitable donations, with the Trussell Trust benefiting this year to the tune of £300.02 from the generosity of audience members who could certainly run from us, but not hide.

The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of food banks to provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty. It also campaigns for change to end the need for food banks in the UK (and, presumably, LadBaby Christmas singles).